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Frequently Asked Questions on our SEO Services

Sadly, we can’t really tell Google what to do or when to refresh their index so in order to give you a guarantee that your main keywords will rank on first page, we need time. The 12 months requirement is also an industry-wide accepted timeframe.

You’ll see some fluctuations in your keyword rankings by the third month based on our monthly reports but we’re going to need at least 12 months to put your keywords on the first page for sure.

Then there’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to achieve first page rankings. If you’re okay with that, we’re okay with that.

No. The package is a premium, holistic approach to SEO. Even if you claim to do some of those things in-house, like social media management, what we do is still different because we do everything with SEO at the top of our minds. If you do insist on removing some services from the package, that will also void our first-page guarantee. Much like how buying a car and removing the wheels or side-mirrors because you feel like yours are better is going to void any warranties.

Reports arrive at the first week of the succeeding month. This is so we have the data of the first day of the month all the way to the last day of the month in the report. Incomplete data can be a bummer.

You can request for a special report but it won’t look as wholesome as our monthly reports. You can only request adhoc from time to time. We never send out a report mid-month on a recurring basis.

We work to put that keyword in the first page for free. We put our heart and soul on the line to make sure you’re on the first page. If that doesn’t happen, trust us when we say it frustrates us more than it does you. Thankfully, this has never happened before as we’re always able to achieve our first page guarantee.

No. We only guarantee leads. We don’t know how good your sales team is and we’d rather not risk our company’s integrity when there are factors beyond our control involved with a certain guarantee.

No. That’s asking us to take the risk for your marketing efforts. We love to work with companies who have the budget to invest in their digital marketing and search visibility and we would rather allot our manpower to those kinds of companies instead.

We have over 40 people working for all our clients in house simultaneously. It’s safe to say that all 40 of us will work on your account. In any case, our monthly reports are very transparent and you will know if work was done or not.

Our sister company does branding guidelines and manuals, PowerPoint Presentation design, and online video commercials. Our commercial in Facebook and YouTube has amassed a significant amount of views and engagement and has brought us an excellent number of leads. You can ask us to send you the link to the video if you would like to view it.

Yes I do have an SEO course running right now which you can enroll in along with numerous different people from all over the world. It's a course that is produced with me by NAS Academy - a worldwide brand backed by some of the biggest VCs in the tech industry. If you want to join the next class of SEO students in my course, you can inquire here.

If your website is hosted with us – yes. If not, we will have to check your web hosting.

We have a site security package which costs Forty Thousand Philippine Pesos (PHP40,000.00) (approx. USD800.00) per month. We strongly suggest for you to avail of that package if a hacking or malware incident occurs.